About a year ago i bumped in to Andy jordan who runs Jam industries, he has a shop in Padstow and asked me if i could make a service counter for him in the shop, it was all a bit last minute and it needed to be completed quickly as the shop was open and they had no place to have a till or to fold clothes etc when a customer was served so i agreed to go and complete this with Andy who was happy to chip in with the work between serving his customers
The brief was simple – Rustic and using scaffold boards
Parking in padstow is at a premium so i was unable to get the van anywhere near the shop and consequently i had a long walk with tools, materials etc and the work had to be completed whilst the shop was open and in full swing
I must say the lack of planning, last minute ideas and hands on with my client was all a real pleasure and somehow this project just seemed to flow and the result was just how Andy had it in his mind – we had great fun !
The result was a happy customer 🙂
Earlier this year i received another call requesting that i make some storage/display units for the shop which were going to be painted so i arranged a site visit and discussed the requirements, took measurements and provided a rough sketch and costing – which was all accepted and agreed shortly after
I was right in the middle of my new workshop build so i was upside down with everything but i soon gained an order to things once i received this request and set to work making space etc
Materials were ordered and on delivery i set to
The units were to be on a similar style to the service counter previously built but had to have doors that would cover the contents and have scaffold board tops as before
These are now completed and ready to fit in the shop – because they are going to be painted by the client we agreed to make them with 18mm Mdf which has been cut to size and are held together using dominos and glue (dominoes are like large dowels)
The doors have kitchen style hinges and touch latches which takes away the need for handles or knobs, all you do is touch the door and it opens so is quite simple.
This is the store in Padstow:
And these are the finished cabinets loaded and ready in the shop:
Again i had a very happy customer 🙂
“Richard built units for us in our shop in Padstow and we are delighted with the result. He was on time with delivery polite, helpful and completely delivered on the brief he was given. We would certainly use Richard again and would happily recommend his work.” —Lynne Cornish from Jam Industries